Переведите предложение и определите какая часть речи подходит по смыслу
1. He cannot have done it all by himself! It is ...!
2. The task is too difficult. You should have ... it.
3. During World War II Minsk was almost completely ... by the Nazis.
4. Do not worry, he is no longer ... when he drives.
5. There was not enough time to prepare for the test, and we were certainly ... with the results.
6. The municipal authorities decided to ... the road in summer.
7. I am sure he is ... to do it without your help.
8. You should try to find the best ... to this problem.
9. I hope this trip will ... your knowledge about the birds that are found in our country.
10. 1986 (the year of Chernobyl) was ... for Belarus.
11. This song has such a ...tune.
12. You will not succeed if you are so ... .
13. Please remind him of his promise, he is ... as you know.
14. We were thankful to him for his ... to help us.
15. We want to express our sincere ... for your assistance.

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